When doing garden maintenance, it’s important to keep your tools working and in tip top condition. Providing reliability all year round and a nice neat finish.
Which is why in this article I am going to show you how to go about changing and sharpening lawn mower blades with angle grinder.
For me, I’m always trying to be one step ahead of the competition! In doing so, I try and sharpen my mower blades at least once a week, failing that, once a fortnight.
So, let’s jump in!
My lawn mower is a Stihl RM545
1.First off, you will need to turn your lawn mower over.
When doing this, make sure you turn it over towards the oil sump side.
The reason for this is to prevent oil leaking into the carb or saturating the air filter.
On my mower, the oil sump is to my right. (yours may be different).
2. Grab your socket set, bring it to your mower and find the right size socket for you. (11/16 for me)
Attach the socket to your ratchet and crack on with undoing the bolt that holds the blade in place.
A good, cheesy way of remembering which way to do this is ‘righty tighty, left loosey’.
Or to put it simply…’anti-clockwise’!
3. Once you’ve unscrewed the long bolt, don’t forget to keep the washer on it. (put these to one side)
4. While the mower is lay on its side, and the blade is off, use this opportunity to grab a trowel and get rid of any muck or dirt that may be clogging up underneath the mower.
5. To sharpen my blades I’m going to be using my cordless Makita angle grinder.
The disc I’m using is called a Flap disk, this will be held firmly in place with an ‘X-lock’.
6. Always remember to wear eye protection, if you’re using older equipment or the disk has a defect, be careful.
If a disk comes off at that speed and hits you in the eye you’ll be in deep trouble!
7. When you’re using the angle grinder on the blades, a flat surface or a worktop with a vice is always preferred. Since I don’t have a vice I’ve had to make do with what I have… my hands (not recommended).
8. Make sure the sparks are going away from you and not near anything that may catch fire, things such as fuel cans etc.
9. Inspect the blade, see if you’re happy with it.
10. Once you’re satisfied, pop the blade back onto the lawn mower, making sure the blades on the right way round. It’s no way near as effective if its on backwards! Put the bolt in along with the washer, and tighten it up clockwise using the ratchet! or should I say righty tighty.
I have also attached a video on how to change and sharpen your blades, find that attached below!