If you’re a gardening enthusiast, you’re likely always on the hunt for new plants to add to your collection. Pyracantha might just be the perfect addition for those looking to add a pop of color to their garden.
But before you start planting, you might be wondering – how fast does pyracantha grow? Let’s find out!

Pyracantha, also known as firethorn, is a shrub that belongs to the rose family. It’s a popular choice for its bright orange, red, or yellow berries that add a pop of color to any garden or landscaping. Not to mention, it’s a great plant for attracting birds with its tasty fruit.
Now, let’s talk speed. Pyracantha is considered a moderate to fast-growing shrub. In ideal growing conditions, it can grow up to 2 to 3 feet per year.
That’s almost as fast as a cheetah, but with less fur and more leaves!
Of course, like any living thing, pyracantha needs a few things to thrive. It prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil.
It’s also important to note that pyracantha is a thorny plant, so be careful when handling it, unless you enjoy having a few extra puncture wounds to show off to your friends.
But let’s not forget about the benefits of this thorny plant. Pyracantha is easy to train into a hedge or espalier. You can trim and shape it into a variety of shapes and sizes, making it a versatile addition to any garden.
One thing to keep in mind is that pyracantha can grow quite tall. Some species can reach up to 15 feet in height, so make sure to give it enough space to grow.
Alternatively, if you prefer a more compact shrub, there are dwarf varieties available that grow to only a few feet in height.
Now, let’s get a little technical. Pyracantha belongs to the Rosaceae family, which includes other popular garden plants such as roses, strawberries, and apples.
It’s a deciduous shrub, meaning it sheds its leaves annually, and produces flowers in the spring followed by fruit in the fall.
Speaking of fruit, pyracantha berries are not only beautiful but also edible (in small quantities). They have a tart flavor that makes them great for jams and jellies.
However, it’s important to note that the seeds inside the fruit are poisonous, so make sure to remove them before consuming.
In addition to being a colorful addition to your garden, pyracantha also has some medicinal properties.
The leaves and berries contain compounds that have been used in traditional medicine to treat conditions such as arthritis and bronchitis.
However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before using pyracantha for medicinal purposes.
Now, let’s have a little fun with pyracantha. Have you ever heard of the phrase “good fences make good neighbors”? Well, pyracantha might just be the perfect plant for that. Its thorny branches can act as a natural fence, keeping unwanted visitors out of your yard.
Plus, it adds a little bit of character to your garden.
Another fun fact about pyracantha is that it’s a popular choice for bonsai enthusiasts. With its small leaves and thorny branches, it’s easy to train into a variety of shapes and sizes. Plus, it adds a pop of color to your miniature garden.
In conclusion, pyracantha is a fast-growing, colorful shrub that can add a lot of character to your garden or backyard. With a little bit of TLC and proper growing conditions, it can thrive and produce beautiful berries that attract birds. Just make sure to watch out for those thorns!