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North-facing walls may seem uninviting, but don’t worry! The great thing about nature is the ability to transform even the dullest of garden spaces into a vibrant, relaxing place where you can wind down after a long day.

So, will Pyracantha Grow On a North Facing Wall?

The hardy Pyracantha may just be the solution you’re looking for. In this article, I’ll delve into the pyracantha and see if this all-rounder shrub can grow and thrive on a north facing wall.

Pyracantha is widely known as ‘Firethorn’ (Pyra = Fire and Cantha = Thorn). It’s an evergreen shrub that’s part of the Rosaceae family. Originally, the pyracantha comes from Asia and south east europe. The shrub has been adopted by many gardeners and landscapers around the world due to its impressive ornamental features!

Eye Catching Colours

The pyracantha leaves remain glossy and dense throughout the whole year, the leaves alone will bring some color to to the dullest of north facing walls.

Come spring, you’ll be in for a treat! Bright clusters of white flowers bloom all over the shrub, these will be sure to grab your attention.

Will Pyracantha Grow On a North Facing Wall?

It’s not only the flowers in the spring which look good though, one of my favorite features of the pyracantha is the bright attractive berries that come out later in the summer. Unlike the flowers which only last a couple of weeks, the berries last well into the winter months.

The berries are great for the birds too! When the ground has iced up, they provide a valuable food supply in the colder months; Further enhancing the value of the pyracantha.

The berries come in a range of colors, mainly orange, red or yellow (depending on the variety). Again, adding a splash of color to your north facing wall.

Many people think that because of the limited sunlight exposure on north facing walls, that they are unsuitable for any kind of plants.

While its true in some cases, for example; sun loving plants such as Lavender, Salvias and Iris may struggle.

The pyracantha will actually excel in these conditions, it’s very resilient and can tolerate partial shade quite well. This makes it an awesome choice for north-facing walls.

Light Conditions

While it may not create ‘as many’ berries in the shade compared to full sunlight, it will still produce a few. It will also still flower and keep its dark green glossy appearance. The pyracantha is well equipped to cope with lower light conditions.

Caring for your Pyracantha

To ensure your pyracanthas healthy growth, here’s some tips to follow!

  • Watering: During dry spells, remember to provide adequate water. Don’t over water it, we don’t want it waterlogged, just very moist! Putting mulch around the base can help retain moisture for longer.
  • Fertilizing: To encourage healthy growth, apply a fertilizer in early spring – this also helps with berry production.
  • Soil: The pyracantha is quite hardy so can adapt to different soil types, it does however prefer well drained soil. To improve soil quality I will sometimes mix compost in with the soil for more nutrients.
  • Pruning: When pruning, I always try and wait until late winter to remove dead or damaged branches. Winter is the best time because the shrub is dormant, this is the best time to hard prune any shrub. Pruning also encourages new growth and promotes airflow, preventing diseases.

So, should you grow a Pyracantha on a north-facing wall?

Pyracantha can be a fantastic addition to any garden, whether it’s for aesthetic reasons or security reasons.

If you’ve been wondering what to plant, then wonder no more!

With its changing display of colors throughout the different seasons, it’s sure to bring life to your once dim space.

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